Housing Development

Broomfield Crescent, Balornock, Glasgow

Early in 2023, Town & Country Vibro were approached by Caldwell Developments Ltd to assess the suitability of Vibro Stone Columns for use beneath plots 66-91 as part of their new residential scheme at Broomfield Crescent, Balornock.

The Cable Percussive Boreholes provided to us within the Site Investigation showed cohesive Made Ground between 8m and 10m below existing ground level, over Stiff Glacial Till. The Made Ground beneath the site was placed by contractors during the construction of junctions 1-3 of the M80, which was completed in 1992.

We proposed to use a 12m Top Feed probe on one of our large TM13/16 rigs and to take all columns through the existing fill down to the natural ground. This gave our client a bearing pressure of 150kN/m² beneath their reinforced strip foundations.

With the Structural Engineer & Warranty Provider sign-off, the client opted to proceed with the Vibro solution. Our sister company Atlas Site Engineering completed the setting out and we installed over 500 Stone Columns up to 10m deep over 10 days, providing our client with significant time and cost savings.

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